Self-taught, Pascal MERLIN has experimented with various techniques (pencils, soft pastels, oil, watercolor, etc.) before settling on acrylic painting, which suits him best. He has worked extensively on landscapes and portraits.
For two to three years, he ventured into abstract painting, using acrylics in a mixed media technique incorporating textures. This approach allowed him to become more familiar with colors and spatial composition. During this period, he focused on the feelings and emotions evoked by his work during exhibitions. Through his paintings, he aimed to highlight light and depth, achieved through his explorations. The result is an explosion of colors, shapes, and multiple dreamlike elements, where relief enhances the perception of emotions.
After this enriching experience with abstraction, drawing has reclaimed its place in his creations. Nevertheless, there is always an element of abstraction in his work.
The artist brings another dimension to his characters, making his acrylic creations lively, modern, and full of energy.